LOVES her new monogrammed dresses!
Halloween with the twins...too cute
I still can not believe all that has transpired in our lives within the past 6 months, but SJ and I are adjusting well. We are LOVING our new home...she is so excited to have a playroom and I am excited to share that space for scrapbooking. I have not had time to scrapbook lately! It was incredibly hard to say goodbye to our old house, our first home together and we have even accidentally driven back there about three times...haha. I just thank God everyday for the strength he gives me to try and be the best Mommy I can be. Savannah is such a blessing to her dad and I both and we are so fortunate to have her. I know that God has a plan in store for us and we will just follow that path!
She is absolutely LOVING preschool again this year and her Thanksgiving Feast is tomorrow. She has made quite a few new friends, if you can imagine that ;). She is also LOVING dance every Monday. Quite the busy bee I have on my hands!
We will be headed to VA Bch as usual for Thanksgiving next week and plan to go see Mr. Claus. She has soooo many items on "her list"....we will see...she doesn't need another toy...hahahaha
Much love,
Amy and Savannah
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