Savannah is so stinking FUNNY! She is such an amazing girl and I feel so blessed everyday to call her my daughter! Stacey and I finally took the crib down and put up a big girl bed for SJ. She is still adjusting to being in it and still comes in here sometimes (don't tell anyone, but I don't really mind her snuggles!) She picked out the bedding herself. So cute!
She is LOVING preschool and becoming so much more independent. Wants to use the potty and wipe by herself, uses her lil white stool to cut the lights on and cute! She is visiting her Daddy right now and I am sure they are having a blast! She is going to be Batgirl for Halloween and Connor and Dylan will be Batman and Robin! Too cute!!!
Much Love!
hey you! I finally posted something and chose you as one of my favorite friends. Check out my blog to see what you need to do:)
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