Dance Camp

Savannah and her besties, Dylan and Connor

Sweet Savannah
This blog was designed mostly for our family and friends to keep up with Miss Savannah Jane, but it has also developed into a place for me to document everyday occurrences in her life...the good and the bad.This summer has been quite a whirl wind to say the least. Most of you know that Dwayne and I have separated. I am not going to go into all the details but we are doing what we think is best for all of us. I do believe that God never gives us more than we can handle. I refuse to leave this 17 year relationship bitter and resentful and I want SJ to know what a WONDERFUL relationship her dad and I shared. I am simply surviving day by day, sometimes hour by hour. I want to thank you ALL for your love and support. I could not do it without you!!!
Savannah has become even more verbal at almost 3.5 years old and she is GROWING UP WAY TOO FAST!!!! This summer she loved her first concert, Kenny Chesney, and enjoyed all her time with the Judd family in VA Beach. She went to a princess dance camp for a week and fell in love!! Guess who is taking pre ballet and tap every Monday??!!
We were also very lucky to get her back into her same preschool from last year and she will go three mornings a week. Unfortunately, the house is STILL for sale (someone PLEASE buy it!!), but on the bright side we are still across the street from Stacey and family and that has been a true blessing for SJ and I. SJ and the twins had two sleepovers and had a blast. I am soooooo thankful for the bond that they share. We had some fun days at the pool and we also enjoyed several days at Myrtle Beach with Amanda and her family. SJ fit right in and their hospitality was amazing!! She even called Amanda's dad Grandpa and he loved that :)
Things she is into now...
-Music: Jimmy "Muffin", Sheryl Crow, Pink, Carolina Liar, OAR, Miley Cyrus and of course, Taylor Swift :)
-Fresh Beat Band on Nick, Jr
-Hannah Montana
-Beauty shop
-Last but not least...DRESSES!!!!
Much love,
Savannah Jane and Amy