Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Mid March

I lied. I do not have any new pics from last wkend because our camera battery was dead when we were in VA. ARRRRGGGGG!!! Once Lisa sends me some pics I will try and post some of those. We had a wonderful baby shower for Lisa and Hillary got many great items. Such CUTE stuff! It didn't feel like a lot of visiting because it was so busy! We even got to look at a few houses.

This wkend was RAINY and a very lazy one. I did manage to have a few hours for some girl time with two good friends. :) The big birthday is coming up this Sat...THREE YEARS has gone by sooooo fast!!!! Where is my baby?????

We are getting a new camera-YIPPEEEE and I can't wait to play around with it.



I wish we could be there for SJ's party! Hope its a blast and can't wait to see pictures