I can not believe how fast October went by and how fast our baby is growing! It's hard to believe this teeny tiny baby has transformed into such a bright young lady in 2.5 yrs!! Not that I ever questioned how bright she would be...;)
Let's see...we had a WONDERFUL visit with our dear friends Amanda and Emerson from Cali and were so sad to see them leave. Savannah kept calling Emerson "Emmy P" and it was so cute to see them play together. She calls her her best friend. :) They got to take a bath together, shop, eat, go to the fair and we even had a b-day party for Emmy P. We hope to get out to Cali in late Spring or summer for a visit. Savannah got to go trick or treating with her pals, Connor and Dylan and also Isaac joined us. They were all so cute! She really got the hang of going to each house and asking for candy. The day after Halloween when I told her it was over she replied, "Aw, man!"
We visited Steph in Richmond and had a blast. She is so spoiled by all of the family. Steph showed SJ how to roll down the hill. We even have a video. :) She also got to see Uncle Chico, Aunt Susan, Aunt Lisa and Aunt Delores. She got two new shirts about being a "big cousin" to go along with her other two new shirts, "The Black Van"(AKA The A-Team) and "I love my uncle and all his tatoos". Too funny! Check out Cafe Press.
SJ is still LOVING preschool and her teachers and friends. She has a Thanksgiving feast next Friday and had her first school pictures made. She learned what a cornucopia was this week. :)
We had Christmas pics made a few weeks ago and she did great! She looked like a doll and did some cute poses. We even played "London Bridges". :)
Stacey has really been working with Savannah to potty and she has finally started to use it!!! We are on our way thanks to Stacey!!!
A cute tidbit...SJ's daddy LOVES Kenny Chesney (AKA "Uncle Kenny" at our house)and she has heard the song he sings called Everybody Wants to Go To Heaven. Last night, I was drying her hair and she saw some pics of Daddy and I and asked who he was and where he was. I reminded her that was Grandpa LJ and that he is in heaven. She then replied, "Oh, Uncle Kenny wants to go to heaven!" I almost fell over laughing. I told her she was right and then she said that maybe we could go to heaven, too. My girl :)
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