My partners in crime, Dyl and Con

Playing Putt-Putt
I have been so fortunate to have spent my whole summer (well, almost!) with little Savannah Jane. She is the light of my life and just being around her makes your whole world different. I am DREADING going back to work and not being with her all day, every day. We have been preparing her, so much so that she says, "When Mommy goes back to work, I go to Stacey's, but I'm gonna miss you!" Now if that doesn't just melt your heart... Okay, onto some "news"...
Our goddaughter, Ashley, who is 13, came and spent a week with us and it was WONDERFUL. We have known Ash since she was a baby and it is amazing to see her with "our baby!" They love each other so much and had a great time together. We visited friends in Charlotte and SJ played with Play-Doh for the first time ( I hate the smell). She loved it! We also went swimming with the twins and to play Putt-Putt last week. It was the first time for all 3 kids and so much fun (except when Dyl hit it so hard it bounced back and popped Connor!), but they both managed to get a hole in one :)
Tasha has taken a backseat to Miss Dora and we have 2 Water Doras and one Night-Night Dora. She is gaga over Dora and is going to flip when she sees her new Dora lunchbox and rolling bookbag from Uncle Dave and Aunt Lisa. She still likes to watch The Backyardigans, but you won't find her w/o a Dora in hand.
Things to look forward to...Aunt Steph comes this wkend (who SJ is dying to see), Aunt Lisa and Uncle Dave come the next two, and PRESCHOOL starts Sept. 3rd!!!!!!
Yep, summer is almost over ( I head back Aug. 14th) and I think what I will miss the most are our daily naps in my bed when she is rubbing my hair and singing songs before quietly drifting off to sleep.
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