Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Well, it is official...I satrt preschool next week! Mommy is going to my "meet the teacher" day today and will let me know how she likes it! My class is called "The Busy Bees!" How appropriate! Mommy started back to work last week and I am back at Aunt Stacey's house. I sure LOVE playing with Dyl and Connor. I even got to sleep over with Aunt Holly and Aunt Stacey last Fri night while Mommy, Daddy, Aunt Lisa and Uncle Dave went to some concert. Aunt Holly let me sleep with her :) I was so sad to see Aunt Lisa's foot broken. Her surgery is tomorrow. I went to Hank's birthday party at Pump It Up on Saturday and even went down the BIG slide all by myself on my tummy...WHEEEEEE! I am totally obsessed with my new pink pony (named Pinky, of course) that my Aunt Steph got me. Pinky can't sleep in my crib so I have to have the doll's pack and play beside my crib for Pinky to sleep in!I love the weekends with Mommy and Daddy! Here are some things that they think are funny right now...

*I say these ALOT: No way, Jose; I really want...; I'm gonna lay on the couch for just 2 more minutes; Adios Amigos!

*Tonight I said, "I speak English and you speak Spanish ,Mommy" and Mommy thought that was funny and said, "No, baby, M & D speak English like you!" I just smiled and said okay.

*Mommy says I hear everything and I am 2 going on 12! Now that's funny!

Much love,
Savannah Jane