Wow, trying to play catch up since November will be tricky!! I will see what I can squeeze in. :) Christmas was definitely different for us this year and we had a smaller tree (our CB tree) but SJ loved it nonetheless. Christmas was GREAT seeing her so happy! Mom and Jason got to come visit in January and they brought her these sticky Dora and Boots characters that you threw on the wall and they climbed down. She LOVED them and her Uncle Petey, haha. January and February flew by. We had several snows this year in NC and SJ and I were stuck at home for four days straight and had a BLAST! We got to throw snowballs and do some shoveling! Visits from Ashley, Aunt Lisa, Uncle Dave, Hillary, Aunt Delores and Steph occurred. They loved our place and we had GREAT times. SJ turned four on March 21 and I still can not believe that my "baby" is four! Knowing that she is the only child I will have makes it difficult in some ways but easier in others. She loves being the center of attention for sure. We had a wonderful celebration at Pump It Up with all of our friends and family. She is truly blessed to have so many people who love her in her life (and so am I!)
*Still has a super strong bond with Dylan and Connor, she and Connor are inseparable these days. She loves her Aunt Stacey, too :)
*Takes dance and will have her first recital in June!!! Candyland theme :)
*Started swimming lesson in March but she is not gaga over them.
*Can SING ANY song she hears! Her memory is like a steel trap.
*Finally started sleeping in her own bed (with some help from a DVD player) and I am pleased to say most nights she stays in there.
*Teachers at school ADORE her and she is really excelling in all areas.
*She is wonderful at helping clean up and enjoys books so much. I know her love for "reading" will take her far in life!!
I will certainly try to post more often!
Lots of love from Amy and SJ