Here is Savannah with "her brothers" after their "Winter Olympics" at Preschool.

Savannah with Papaw on his birthday eating a cupcake!

Connor, Savannah and Dylan

Riding on my SS car from Aunt Steph
Mommy's Notes...
Savannah has been doing so many different things the past month it has been unreal. Her vocabulary has really expanded and she is most definitely talking more than ever (wonder where she gets that from??) She can crawl up on our couch alone now. She loves to sing with us. She knows "Ashes, Ashes, we all fall down" and sings it quite a bit! Two nights ago in the bathtub she started singing "Bus, Mommy says shh, shhh, shh" from The Wheels on the Bus. She LOVES to play "kitchen" and make believe with her friends, The Backyardigans. She always likes to offer them whatever she is eating or drinking and also likes for them to sing and dance with us. Just yesterday she was putting them down for a nap and covering them with her silky! She is still crazy over her pacis and her silky. We are *thinking* about potty training but have not introduced her to it yet. She pretty much knows ALL of her family members' names and calls for them often. Dwayne has really taught her all of her basic colors and this week she got them all right three different times! She is so much fun and learns so much so quickly. We can ask her how she is feeling and we taught her to say, "Fantastic!". Savannah send lots of love your way!