Mommy and Me

September 2, 2007
I decided to start a blog about Savannah so that we could keep everyone informed of her day to day life. I will try and update it once a week.
Well, most of you know that Savannah is 17 mths now and just said "mama" for the first time this week. Can you guess how EXCITED I was???? Dwayne even got it on video tape. Those are the two sweetest syllables ever!!!! She is really beginning to say words that we can understand. Just this week she said "mama", "Elmo" and even repeated some numbers as we practiced counting.
She is taking in everything around her and growing so fast!!
Savannah's week...
- I had dinner with Aunt Amanda and got to meet her sweet Mom :)
- Aunt Stacey gave me pigtails and even did my hair for the party Sat.
- I finally said "mama" and boy was she ever HAPPY!!
- I went to a birthday party for Niklas at Mommy's friend Melissa's house. I got to meet Baby Ethan and play with a lot of kids.
- I am visiting Memaw and Papaw right now and will be back Monday.
I love everyone very much!!
Love, Savannah Jane